Thursday, February 19, 2009

Human Heart With In Human Feelings

Human Heart With In Human Feelings
How humans have come into existence in this Universe isn’t a worth answering question because the nature and the common most sense of the same human answers this question. Here is no need to state a theory or evidence to prove the origin of life. The question arising is that why the human has been created”!!!
Again the same human and his history answer’s this question. Human has come across a great and revolutionary progress, conquerness and improvement in his life, environment and all what he dealt with. It’s a fact that at the origin of human he was poor in all senses as compared to today’s human. It’s human himself and with the divine guidance that lead him towards the higher standards. Again the question here arises is that why doesn’t human kept in the same condition as he was originated. Basically, weather the human in all his senses as compared to today’s one was different but there was a thing in human since from his origin that lead him to there changes. But itself that thing has remained the same. What’s that is the surprising organ of human. Can you guess!!! O, yes it is what is called as “The Heart”.
You may also be award of this vital organ, center of all emotions, feelings and aspirations. Same heart is the base of life as it gives life to all parts of body. Its proper function and status is essential. The time it looses its function, the life comes to an end. In other words for well being of an individual a family, a society, a nation and rather the whole world the basic life regulator i.e. The Heart must be in all senses in a proper status and in proper function. As started earlier the heart is the center of all emotions and feelings, the effect of environment is obvious. It is very much influenced by environment conditions. As the condition prevails so are feelings. At most heart – feelings over come the brain. That is why human have different feelings at different situations.
“Feelings!” yes now see, feelings are again of both positive and negative aspects. If we turn over the pages of human history we see love, hatred, war, peace, jealousy, prejudice and what not else! But I think is there was love, it was the love by soul. If there was hatred it was to some extent to purify the love. If there was war it was to bring the peace. If there was peace that was felt as satisfaction, jealousy and prejudice were the expression of anger against the love – haters.
But we see with the advent of human life, the tools have uprooted down with these real facts and conditions. What was a real and true behaviour in past same has now become an imaginary story or say like the story of a Hindi film.
What is the difference between now and then. What love meant those days has changed its meaning now-a-days love today means something like revenge hatred is permanent thing. War has become and international political game of pleasure. We feel piece in war. Jealousy, prejudice and craze are count to be the ideal characteristics of a person.
Why, after all human change so much in such a way that he himself a afraid of? Is it the application of artificialism in place of all the natural happenings? Materialism dominates the world – yes.
Actually how human has reached to this condition is perhaps we have by and by forgot the importance of human relations. Tell me what about your friends? Aren’t you selfish in your friendship, which was sometimes thought to be one of the sacred relations of humans? What about your own family – yes your own pariwar! Aren’t they like strangers to you?
Don’t you hear, read and watch on the media that real brother takes life of a real brother! Son kills his mother; husband finishes his wife and what not else? Cheating, dishonesty and deceiving are usual happenings.
Today’s so called broad minded societies are so brave and bold that there were hardly such heart-striking stories as have got their birth in our societies. New ways of breaking human relations are discovered every now and then. It seems as if there is none behind our soul. We bother for none, we care for none we are irresponsible and no one is to question us.
Our broad minded societies have a big goal of getting rid of evils like caste, creed, religion, colour and sex related conflicts and everybody among us knows the practical ways that are applied for this purpose. Isn’t it nothing other than continuing the war and conflicts of our ancestors but with modern tools and modern ways. Speaking in fact the human till now progressive in his modernized evils on the basis of so called competition on the above said factors.
Who are we? Where are we going to? Who is after us? To whom are we following? Are we still humans? What about the Heart? O’ almighty! What will be our destination?
Anybody among you the readers, if find answer to these questions please convey to me also because I am not also any more different than the above described society. I am the part and parcel of the same society!

I am Shahzad Habib.

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